Note (2006): I got my first digital camera, a Canon A40, in 2002, and put together the information in these pages mostly for my own benefit during the steep learning curve.I later got an Olympus 2100UZ, which is what I mostly use these days. So while the most of the information in these pages is still valid and may be of some use, some of the more general information and links may now be out of date.
Regarding the Canon A40, the camera has many features, some obvious and some not so obvious, and it's not always easy to keep track of them all. So I've collected together this information for my own benefit, and also in the hope that others will find it useful.
The 'General Information' and 'Useful Software' sections may be of wider interest.
There is a 'Canon Powershot A40' group on Yahoo, which can be found at:
The 'Canon PowerShot A-Series Users Group' can be found at:
There is a very useful FAQ by AdamJ on the 'Canon
PowerShot A-Series Users Group' at: